Un motion of .Mr. S. Houston, the committee were permitted to with- draw from the service of the house, to prepare and submit their report as soon as possible. On motion of Mr. H. Smith, Resolved, that the consultation of tht! cl!osen delegates of all Texas, in general convention assembled, viewing w~th_ the highest sense of gratitude the disinterested, bold, manly pa- tnot1c, and energetic measures adopted by our friend, captain K Hall, late of ~ew Orleans, for the purpose of aiding Texas in her struggle for constitutional liberty, therefore, Be it 1·esolved, That, us a tribute of respect to captain Hull, for his kind interposition in our behalf, that he is hereby authorized to locate one league of land on any of the public domain of Texas, not otherwise appro- priated; nnd that a copy of these resol\1tions be furnished to caprnm E. J·lall. sig11cd by ihe president and secrerury of this body, which resolutions were unanimously adopted. Mr. Robinson, from the committee to whom was referred the subject "of the propriety and expediency of authorizing au agent to purchase anns, &c.," made the following report, which was read and adopted. Your committee to whom was referred the resolution to enquire into the expedjeucy of authorizing an agent to purchase arms, ammunition, &.c., and to invite volunteers to come to our aid, with leave to report by resolution or otherwise, have had the same under com;ideration, und arc rencly to report, Thnt the safety of our country requires that adcliiional supplies of cannon, mortars, ammunition, and suitable equipages are indispensably ncce;;sury; and that an agent ought to be immediately appointed for that purpose, and that they therefore advise the adoption of the following resolution. Be it resolved, by the consultation of the chosen delegates of nil Texas, in general conveniion assembled, that n[r. E. Hall, the agent of the com- mittee of New Orleans, he, and he is hereby authorized to purchase two long eighteen pound cannon, with all the necessary equipage, completely mounted on carriages, suitable for the field service, with two hundred rounds of powder, and round ball for each cannon; and that he be au- thorized to purchase one twelve inch howitzer, well mounted, with the necessary equipage for field service, with two hundred bombshells, suit- able to the calibre of the same: and that he be authorized to call upon the committee at New Orleans, for money to pay for the same; and thnt he be instructed to return to this country, with the said supplies, with all possible despatch; and that the president of this convention be re- quested to cause a copy of the foregoing resolutions to be tnmsmitted to Mr. Hall. On motion of Mr. S. Houston, the house adourned until eight o'clock to-morrow morning. S.\N FELIPJ-: DF. AUSTIN, ErGHT O'CLOCK, l November 10, I835. f The house met pursuant to adjournment. The ,Journals of yesterday's proceedings being read, Mr. Rnrrett, from the special committee of five. to ,vhom was refrrred the report of the committee of twelYe, made report.
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