to invite volunteers to come to our aid, with power to report by resolution or otherwise, which was adopted. On motion of Mr. Jones, Resolved, That the volunteers now in service under the command of general Stephen F. Austin, who contiuue in service until the reduction of San Antonio, or until they receive an honorable discharge, shall be enti- tled to fifteen dollars per month, from the time they left their homes until they return to them. . Mr. Parmer proposed the substitution of twenty for fifteen, which was accepted. Mr. Royal offered the following amendment. "And shall also receive such other donations of land as this govern- ment shall vote them for their patriotism, and be remunerated for all losses of priYute property or money expended in the service of our coun- try," which was also accepted. The resolution, with amendments, by rule of the house was laid on the table for_one day. On motion of Mr. Williamson, the house adjourned until 2 o'clock, P. M.
Two o'CLOOK P. l[.
The house met pursuant to adjournment. On motion of Mr. J. W. Parker,
Resolved, That the president be requested to authorize Mr. S. M. Parker to engage ten rangers in addition to his present number, (twenty-five) under the regulations adopted by the general council, also to empowi;r Mr. G. W. Davis to raise twenty rangers, agreeably to the resolutions and arrangements made by this convention, which was adopted. ·Mr. \\'hiinker moved a reconsideration of the above, which was agreed to. Mr. Barrett moved that the original resolution be referred to the com- mittee which reported on this subject this morning, but which, on the suggestion of Mr. Martin, he withdrew. Mr. D. Parker then moved that the Presi,lent came to be made out or- ders in pursuance of the report and resolutions on this subject, received and adopted by this house this morning, which was concurred in. The order of the day was then called up, being the consideration of the report of the committee of twelve, when Mr. Everitt moved its su'l- pension, in order to afford the minority of that committee an opportunity to read their report. Whereupon a division being called for, the vote was for suspension, twenty, and against, twenty-one, so the house proceeded to the considera- tion of the report of the committe of twelve. :Mr. Renr_v Smith having read the preamble to the report, Mr. Barrett moved to strike it out. The <]Uestion was then put, when a division was called for, and it was ordered to be stricken out. Mr. Collard moved that the report be referred to a committee of five, which was agreed to. The president wished that the house would elect that committee. On motion, the rnle in this case wai- sn~penclecl, nnd the following per- sons were appointed the committee by the house: Messrs. Barrett, Hanks, Williamson, D. Parker, a.lid Zavala.
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