Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

under his superintendance, before they reached the proper pince of ren- dezvous, be recognized; and that the said S..M. Parker be authorized to add ten more men to the company, by and under the former authority and rules. You~ committee further recommend that the said superintendant be authonsed to draw upon John Lott, at Washington, (with whom there is a considerable quantity of ammunition deposited,) for ammunition suf- ficient to supply their several companies, or at such other places as public ammunition may be deposited. DANIBL PAUKER, Gltairma11. :Mr. Millard from the committee of twelve, to whom was committed the duty "to tlraw up and submit a plan or system for a provisional gov- ernment for all Texas," stntecl to the house that the business of the com- mittee had been entrusted to two sub-committees, both of which were ready to report through their respective chairmen. Whereupon, .Mr. Henry Smith read to the convention the plan for the civil department of the go,·ernment, and Mr. A. Houston read the plan for the -proposed military arrangement. 'l'hese comprising the entire report, were snhmitted to the house bv the chairman. ~fr. Parmer moved. that that part"of the report relating to the mili- tary depnriment, he laid on the table until two o'clock, P. M. :.'\fr. Banet.t thought it advisable to pursue the same course in relation to the proposed civil arrangement. Whereupon a division being called for, the ayes were thirty-three; so the entire report was orqered to lie on the table until two o'clock P. 'M. l\fr. S. Hou.:;ton moved, that the chairman of each sub-committee, under the committee of twelve, rend again to the house the report of his par- ticular department of the proposed government, which was agreed to. Mr. Hanks submitted the following: Whereas, a portion of the settlers on Red River, within the limits of the state of Texas. who have not been notified of the proceedings growiug out of the im,asion of our constitu- tional rights, by a lawless usurper General Santa Anna. Be it resolved, That these people be invited to co-operate with us in the declaration proclaimed by this consultation, and that a copy of this declaration he furnished them, and to all the states of the Mexican re- public. .An amendment was offered by :Mr. Barrett, to add "and to each muni- cipality of the department of Bexar." :Messrs. Robinson and Willinmson ur~ed it,; adoption by the house. Mr. S. Houston asked nnd obtained leave to read part of n certain printed circular. ?lfr. Martin urged the propriety of its being receiYed. · Mr. Barrett moved the following amendment, which was accepted by the mover of the original resolution, Mr. Hanks, "and to the people of each municipality of the department of ·Bexar." Whereupon the question was then put, -as respects the resolution and its amendment, nnd was unanimously adopted. On motion of Mr. Robinson, Resolved, That n committee of five be appointed to enquire into the ex- pediency of authorizing an agent to purchase arm5, ammunition, &c.• nnd


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