tional liberty, and that the president cause a copy of the foregoing resolu- tions to be communicated to Mr. Allen. Mr. :Millard from the committee of twelve to whom was committed the duty "to draw up or submit a plan or system for a provisional govern- ment for all Texas," reported progress, asked and obtained leave to ;;it again. On motion of Mr. A. Houston, Resolved, That there be a person appointed to translate such documents · or proceeding11 of this house as may be required. Mr. Zavala tendered his services under the above resolution, which were accepted. 'fhe president presented certain papers and letters from officers of the army of the people, which ?\fr. Wharton, by request of the chair, read to the ,house, and then moved their reference to to the military committee, which was concurred in. -- Mr. Barrett moved that Governor Zavala be requested to translate into Spanish the declaration for a provisional government, and that five hun- dred copies thus translated be printed for distribution among our :Mexican fellow citizens of the republic. Which motion was concurred ·in. . Mr. Barrett moved an adjournment until nine o'clock to-morrow morn- mg; but before the motion was put Mr. Williamson moved that :Mr. Macomb be added to the military committee, which was agreed to. The question was then put on adjournment, whereupon a division was called for, and was decided as follows, ayes 27, noes 22; so the house ad- journed to nine o'clock to-morrow morning. S.AN FELIPE DE AUSTIN, Nov. 9th, 1835. l Nnrn. O'CLOCK, A. )[. f 'rhe hou8e met pursuant to adjournment, the journals of yesterday's proceedings were read. Mr. Zavala desired the secretary to omit in the proceedings of this body the title of governor, by which he had heretofore been distinguished. On motion of Mr. Robin!:'on, the secretary was directed to erase from before the name of any member of this hou.se any title which may have b_een given. when such title may-appear on the journals of this consulta- hoo. · Mr. Parker from the committee to whom was referred the resolution of :lifr. ClemP.nts respecting the rangers, made report, which was read and adopted, as follows: The committee to whom was referred the resolution of :Mr. Clements, on the subject of a line of rangers from the Neches river to the Colorado. ~a11 had the !'ame under consirleration, and beg leave to report the follow mg resolution: Re.~olved, 'l'hat we rec-ognise the nets of the general council on that 8Ubject, sufficient for the present emergency. That said line of ranger!! be extended from the Colorado river to the Cibollo, with a company of twenty rnngers under the superintendance of G. W. Davis, who shall _be governed by the Rame te9olutions and instruction!! of the other supen~- tendnnt heretofore given; and t~at the ,;aid George W. Davis, make his pince of rendezvous nt the place known by the big spring or head of St. Mark's river. From the information before your committee, they recommend that the acts of Silas M. Parker, in the orga_nization of the company of ranger?.
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