Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

[4264] [TOBY to BURNET]

New Orleans 29th SeptT 1836

To His Ex David G. Burnet President of the Republic Texas Sir

The Col Fannin arrived this morning, and by her we are in receipt of your several favors under date 12th inst-The Congress sails to day for Galveston-we have shipped by her to Col Morgan 40 Bbls Bread, 10 pieces Cannon, 36, 24 & 18 pounders & Two Carriaues 1 ox Cart, 2 Casks Tine ware, a Quantity of Ash & pine 0 • Bds. & Scantling 1 Quantity of medicines One wheel barrow 1 Bale Lowell Cotton for Shirts, 4 Cases of shoes, 2 Cases Clothing, one hundred 18No. Shot One hundred 12 Shot One hundred & fifteen-Canister Shot Fifty Kegs EEEc Seventy five Kegs EEc Powder, The tin ware consists of Camp Kettles, Coffee Boilers, Canteens, Tin Cups, 300 Canisters for 6 No. & 300 for 4 No.· shots-we notice your further order for that port which we shall execute as far as we are able with the limited means-as also that for your place. The money market still continues pressed throughout the United States, & 20 pr. per month has heen paid here & elsewhere for Good paper-Heretofore money in New Orleans, has always been abundant, during the Summer, but this Season our Banks have all been hard run and discounting little or nothing, in consequence of the limited amount of Specie, in their vaults, heavy draws having been made by the West for the entry of lands the amount purchased, now has to be paid in Gold or Silver. This state of things prevents our disposing of the Scrip here & we only hope lo hear soon to an arrangement in the Eastern Cities for the Quantity apart, we have sent there. By the Schooners Flora & Flash, we shipped you all the articles ordered by you, for your private use, which we hope has reached you safely-The Soap Stone Furnace &c we will send you by next Vessel-your letter to Capt Heard has been forwarded to him. It is certainly extraordinary conduct, on the part of him & Capt Brown, and it will be a difficult matter to fit them out, as it will cost some 7 or 8000$ The last account we had, The Brutus


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