tion offered by him yesterday, reported progress, and asked and obtained leave to sit again. Mr. Royal moved that five hundred copies of the report from the com- mittee of twelve be printed. .Mr. Everitt proposed, as an amendment, one thousand be substituted for five hundred, which being accepted by the mover, l\fr. Royal, was adopted by the house. . Mr. S. Houston moved that each member of this consultation sign the declaration made by the committee of twelve, (which, on the suggestion of the President, was laid over till the report be enrolled) as soon as en- rolled. '.\Ir. Clements called up his re"olution, offered yesterday, which heing rend, Mr. Perry proposed an amendment., which was accepted. Mr. Whar- ton moved its reference to a special committee. · :Mr. Perry suggested, that as the permanent council had already acted on this subject, it might not, perhaps, be necessary. On the suggestion of l\lr. . Hoyal, both the original resolution, as offered by Mr. Clements, and the amendment proposed by Mr. Perry, were with- drawn, and the following. embracing both, w.as offered by Mr. Clements: Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed to report nmendment.s to the acts of the council on the subject of rangers on the frontiers, and to extend the line from the Colorado to the Cibollo river. Whereupon the following members were appointed that committee: Messrs. D. Parker, Clements, Lester, Perry and Martin. 'l'hc rule of the housr: being suspended in this case, :Mr. :i\Iillnrd suh- mittcrl the following: Resoh-ed, That a committee of twelve, one from each municipality rep- resented i~ this consultation, be appointed by the president to dra,v up and suhm1t 11 plan or -,vstem of a provi-,ional "Overnment for all Texns; which wns adopted. · 0 In purHrnnce of the ahove. the president named the followinp: members to compose that committee: Messrs. Millard, Jones, Wilson, Dyer, Hoxie, Lester, H. Smith, Arrington, Thompson, Robinson, Everitt and A. Hous- ton. Mr. Millnrd asked and obtained leave to retire with the committee of which he was chairman. On motion of Mr. W. Smith, the house adjourned to two o'clock P. M. Two O'CLOCK P. lf. The house met pursuant to adjournment. On motion of Mr. S. Houston, in order to afford to the several com- mittees time to prepare their reports, The house ndjonrned until to-morrow morning 9 o'clock. SAN °FELIPE DE AusTIN. Nov. 8, 1835. } Nine o'clock A. M. 'I'he house met pursuant to adjournment. The journals of yesterday were rend and corrected. C!ol. D. R ?lfncomb pre~ented his credentials. ancl took his seat. 'Mr. S. Houston moved that the members present sign "the declnra- tion setting forth the causes of our taking up arms." reported by the committee, and ndoptec1 by the house yesterday. and that snch members
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