Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

Two o'cLocK P. Y.

The house met pursuant to adjournment. :Mr. Clements offered the following resolution:

Resolved, That the route of the rangers who are employed, or may be employed, to protect our frontier, shall be ~xtended from the Colorado riYtr, th('ir presc11t limits, to the settlements on the liuac.laloupe river,&c.; and that a proportionate number of mem be appointed for that purpose, equal to that employed on the balance of the frontier, Which, on motion of Mr. Perry, was laid on the table one day. '!'he committee to whom was referred the subject for providing for the necessities of the army, beg leave to report that they have received from Thos. F. McKinny, by the hands of Dr. C. B. Stewart, a loan of five hun- dred dollars, of which they have expended, in payment of drafts on the ~uthorit.ies, the sum of two hundred and thirty-eight dollars, as will ap- pear by the accompanyihg account, which leaves a balance in the hands of Dr. :-:itewnrt of one lrnndred and sixty-two dollars,and one hundred left with Messrs. Robert Mills & Co., of Brazoria, leaving a balance on han<l., in all, of two hundred and sixty-two dollars. Paid to express twenty dol- lars after making out the account, leaves two hundred and forty-two dol- lars. HENRY MILLARD, Chairman. R. R. ROYAL, Secretary. On motion of Mr. Everitt, the committees to whom several matters were referred, were permitted to withdraw from the house, and attend to the duties of their several committees. 'rh~re being no bnsines!' before the house, on motion of ?!Ir. Everitt it stood adjourned until seven o'clock this evening. The house met pursuant to adjournment. · It being announced to the house that the president was seriously in- disposed, Whereupon Mr. Royal was called to the chair. . Mr. J . W. Parker, from the jurisdiction of Viesca, appeared and took his seat. Mr. Wharton, from the committee of twelve, reported progress, and asked leave to sit again, which was granted. On motion of Mr. S. Houston, the house adjourned to nine o'clock to- morrow morning. · SAN FELIPE DE AUSTIN, 7th Nov. 1832. l Ni-ne o'clock A. J.f. f The house met pursuant to adjournment. The president being able to resume his duties, took the chair, and ~alled the house to order. The minutes being read of yesterdn~.,s proceedings, Mr. Wharton asked and obtained leave to retire for a few minutes, ,rith the committee of which he was chairman. SEVEN O'CLOCK, P. ll. Mr. Wharton, with the committee of twelve, to whom wns referred the duty "to mnke II declaration, settina forth to the worlcl the causes that impelled us to take up arms, and th; objects for which we fight," havin.~ reh1rned, made report.


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