:Mr. Everitt obtained the floor, and addressed the house in favor of a declaration under the constitution 1824. Mr. Hoxie, from the jurisdiction of Washington, presented his cred- entials, and took his seat. Mr. Mitchell called for the previous question. The president, by request, explained to members, who bad taken their seats since the debate on Mr. Wharton"s report, what was the question before the house: Mr. Williamson again asked leave to read to the house his plan of a provisional government. Leave was granted. The previous question being again called for, it was put in the follow- ing form, as suggested by Mr. S. Houston: "All in favor of a provisional government, upon the principles of the constitution of 1824, will say aye." . Whereupon the vote stood as follows: Ayes, thirty-three; noes, fourteen. The president again put the question in another form: "All in favor of a declaration of independence will say aye." Whereupon the vote stood as follows: Ayes, fifteen; nays, thirty-three. . Mr. Wood moved to enter the ayes and noes on the journal; which motion, after some remarks by Mr. Wharton, he withdrew. . Mr. Barrett, from the committe to whom was committed the duty of contracting with a printer, made a report, which was read and adopted. By vote of the house, t.he rule was suspended, in this case, and Mr. Mitchell offered the following resolution: Resolved, That as the enemy is near us, and the land office and public records are in imminent danger, that they be taken ·into possession, and safely guarded from enemies and fire. .Mr. Barrett moved its reference to a special committee, with instruc- ?ons to report on the meeting this afternoon. Whereupon, the follow- mg members were appointed that committee: Messrs. Mitchell, Parmer, Jones, Barrett and D. Parker, to report on the meeting of the house this afternoon. By vote of the house, the rule was suspended in this case, and Mr. Parmer offered the following: . · Whereas, there are many soldiers who have volunteered their services to defend their country, have fallen sick on the way to the field, and as many in that situation may suffer, therefore be it Resolved, That this body make some provisions to bear their expenses .until they join the army, or return to their homes. And be it also . Resolved, Thnt a committee of five be appointed to provide for the necessities of our army and troops on the road generally, with authority to borrow money, or originate other debts for that purpose. Which resolutions were adopted, and the following members appointed by the chair to compose that committee, viz: . Messrs. Millard, Royall, Clements, Harris and Williamson. . On motion of Mr. Barrett, the house ndjoumed until two o'clock tfos afternoon.
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