twelve; which was objected to, for the reason that one member only from end1 juris1liction con;:tituted that com111ittel'. :Mr. Robinson addressed the house at length in favor of a declaration of independence, but gave way for a motion from Mr. Everitt to adjourn, which was agreed to, and the house adjourned until two o'clock, P. M. The house met pursuant to adjournment. The following gentlement appeared and took their seats: from the jurisdiction of Washington, Jesse G1fo1es; from Viesca, A. G. Perry, J. G. W. Pierson and Alexander 'rhompson; from Nacogdoches, William Whitaker, and from San A.ugustine, Henry Augustin. Mr. Everitf on leave from the house offered the following: TWO O'CLOCK, P. M. Resolved, That Lieutenant Colonel Sandoval, who is now in this town, a prisoner of war, be discharged on his parole of honor. Ordered £o Iii! on the table one day. Mr. S. Houston offered a resolution instructing the committee of twelve to draw a declaration in favor of the constitution of 1824, which was opposed by 1.-lr. Wharton, and was withdrawn by the mover. :Mr. Robinson closed his remarks on Mr. Wharton's resolution.. Mr. Wood addressed the house in favor of a declaration under the constitution of 1824. On a call from the house the pre~ident left the chair, and being re- quested, he gave his opinions in relation to the character of the declara- tion which should be adopted as a foundation for a provisional govern- ment. After which, on motion of Mr. S. Houston, the house adjourned to hal£ past eight o'clock to-morrow morning. SAN FELIPE DE AUSTIN, Nov. 6th, 1835. l HALF PAST EIGHT o'cLOOK, .A. M. f The house met pursuant to adjournment, the proceedings of yesterday being read. The house took up the resolution offered yesterday by Mr. Everett, asking for the release of Lieutenant Colonel Sandoval on his parole of honor. . Mr. Wharton opposed the object of the resolution, which after some discussion, and the yeas and nays hcing demanded, was decided as fol- l?ws, viz: Yeas, Messrs. Everitt, Zavala, 2; Nays, Messrs. Allen, Augus- tm. Hm-rl'tt. Hal'llctL Hnrnl111111, H0,·il. lhrom. l 'nll,1nl. ( ' ll'1tH•n t ;:. Coe. Dnvi,c;. liyer. Fii-her, Fuqua, (~rimr•,:, Harri~. :\. Hon:-:ton. H od/.!l'>'. Hnnk;:, Horton. fl nnlin, .Tone.•. K 0110/.!:.r, Lc,-tcr. JI it0hE 11, JI oore. )I ii !er. ~f <'lli- frc, ?llillnnl, Pnrnwr. Picr$on. n. J>11rkl•r. Pl'lT\". l?ohini-011. Hoyall. son, Whitaker, Williamson, 45. Therefore the resolution was rejected. }fr. Willianrnon nsked lenve to rend his r0;:olntiorn: prnpm:ing 11 plan on which to found n provisional government; which was not granted; but the resolutions were referred to the committee of twelve. Mr. Wharton af:kecl leave of the honi::e to offer f:Ome further remarks on his report, which, on a division hein:.r cnllecl for, was grnnted by the casting vote of the president. 1\fr. Royal nskc•cl nml obtninrcl h'nvc to n•,tcl frmn Yntt0l in rt>ply to Ur. Wharton.
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