RULE XX. Two thirds of a majority of the members elect shall constitute a quo- rum to do business.
November 3d, 1835.
On motion of Mr. Royal, Resolved, That it shall be the duty of the secretary, to take charge of the papers and records of the committee of safety of Austin; provide a copy of the resolutions of Columbia; receive the-papers and records of the council. and keep them till called for by the competent authority. On motion cf )lr. Parker, the following was added to the rules of the house: Resolved, That after reading the proceedings of the preceding day, th~ standing committee's reporta shall be the order of the day. On motion of Mr. Martin, Resolved, That the secretary be authorised to provide the ncessary sta- tionery for the use of the house, and charge it to the general consulta- tion. Mr. John A. Wharton, from the committee to whom was referred "the nwking a clednration c;etting forth to the world the cau;;:es that im- p-illed us to take up arms, and the objects for which we are fighting,'' made a report. On motion of Mr. Parker, the house adjourned to two o'clock, P. :u:. TWO O'CLOOK, P. Y . . The house met pursuant to adjournment, and resumed the considera- tion of Mr. Wharton's resolution calling for a "declaration setting forth to·the world the causes that impr.lled us to take up arms, and the objects for which we fight." After some time spent in consideration of the above, the house, on motion of 1fr. Williamson, adjourned to nine o'clock to-morrow morning. SAN' FELIPE DE AusTix, Nov. 5, 1835, 9 o'clock, A. M. The house met pursuant to adjournment; the journals of yesterday's proceedings bcin,g; read, the house proceeded to the order of the day, the. consideration. of Mr. Wharton's resolution. Elijah Collard, from the jurisdiction of Washington, presented his cer- tificate of election as a delegate to this coniuItntion and took his seat. Mr. Parker obtained the.floor and addressed the house on the subject before it. Mr. Barrett offered some remarks in reply to Mr. Wharton, and in f~vor of a declaration under the constitution of 1824. He asked and obtamed leave to submit his further views in writing; and on leave being granted, his communication ,vas referred to the committee of twelve. Mr. Mitchell moved that Mr. Barrett be added to the committee of
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