RULE IV. The president shall examine and correct the journal before it be read; he shall have a general direction of the hall; he shall have the right to name any member to perform the duties of the chair; but such sub- stitution shall not extend beyond an adjournment. RULE V. All committees shall be appointed by the president, unless otherwise directed by the house; in which case they shall be choeen by ballot. RULE VI. In case of any disorderly conduct of spectators, the president shall have power to order them to be dispersed. RULE VII. When any member is about to speak in debate, or deliver any matter to the house, he shall rise from his seat and respectfully address himself to ''Mr. President," and shall confine himself to the question in de- bate, and avoid personality. RULE VIII. li any member, in speaking or otherwise, transgress the rules of the house, the preeident shall, or any member may,call him to order; in which case the member so called to order, shall immediately sit down, unless permitted to explain; and the house shall, il appealed t.o, decide on the case, but without debate. li there be no appeal, the decision of the chair shall be final; and if in favor of the member called t.o order, he shall have the liberty to proceed; if otherwise, and the case requires it, he shall be liable to the censure of the house. RULE IX. When two or more members happen ·to rise at the same time, the presi-. dent shall name the member who is first to speak. RULE X. No member shall speak more than once to the same question, until every member choosing to speak, shall have spoken; nor shall any mem- ber speak more than twice to the same question, without leave of the house. RULE XI. Every member who shall be in the house when the question is put, shall give hie vote, nnleg:l the hom:e shall, for special reasons excuse him.
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