Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

,Wher<:upon, l\lessrs. .lfarrett, Everitt, and Hobcrston were appointed that com mi ttce. · · On motion of Mr. Harris, it wns He.sofoed, 1'hat a committee of fh·e be appointed to draft rules and regulations for the government of the general consultation of all Texas, in convention n,;semblecl, during its deliberations; and in pursuance of the above resolution, the president nominated the following members as composing said committee: l\frssrs, Harris, llarrett, .Martin, Barnett, and Wharton. · On motion the house adjourned until nine o'clock to-mor'row morning. S.A.N FELIPE DE AUSTIN, NINE O'OLOOK, A. M., '} November 4, 1835. ·, '!'he honi::e met. pursuant to adjournment. The proceedings of yester- day being read, the house proceeded to business. . On motion of :Mr. J'. A. Wharton, one thousand copies of the proceed- mgs of yesterday, with the address of the president on his being con- ducted to the c,b.air, were ordered to be printed. . Mr. Harris, from the committee appointed to draft rules and regula- tions for the government of the consultation during its deliberations, re- ported the following, which were adopted. To the honorable, the general consultation of all Texas, in convention .assembled. Your committee, to whom was committed the duty of drafting rules for the government of this body, make report of the following rules and· regulations for your consideration; as follows: RULE I. The president shall take the chair after every adjournment, precisely at the hour to which the house has adjourned; at which time the mem- bers shall all be in their places. RULE II. The president shall cause the journals of the preceding day to be read -every morning on the meeting of the convention. RU'.LE III. The president shall preserve decorum and order, may speak to points of order, and shall decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the house by any two members; on which appeal, no member shall speak more than once, unless by leave of the house. Questions shall be distinctly put b? the president, affirmatively and negatively, to the house, and if he doubt, or a division be called for, the house shall divide; those in the affirmative of the question shall :fi.Mt rise from their seats, and afterwards the negative. If a count be re- quired, the president shall name two members, one from each side to perform that duty, and report the same to the president, who shall state the same to the house.

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