t.he pre:;ulcnt or :;omc ·appointed autl,oriiy of your body have ob:;crv;1tion ovc:r them, a:; nrny he n:;u,11 m neee:':;ary. As some days may pass by before the consultation organize, a proper authority to receive and despatch expresses, the council is of opinion should be attended to, and the council is of opinion that you should appoint a cominittee for that purpose. With considerations of high regard, &c. R.R. ROYAL, President of the gene1·al council of Texas. A. HOUSTON, Secretary. On motion of :Mr. S. Houston, the report from the general council was received, and a vote of thanks was unanimously tendered tb the gentle- men composing the general council, for the faithful and able discharge of the arduous duties devolved on them. On motion of Mr. Royal, it was Resolved, That the address of this house be "'fhe Consultation of th~ Chosen Delegates of all Texas, in General Convention assembled." On motion of Mr. J. A. Wharton, Resolved, That the president appoint a committee of twelve, composed of one member from each jurisdiction, to make a declaration, setting forth to the world the cani,es that impelled us to take up arms, and the .objects for which we fight. In pursuance of the above resolution, the chair appointed the follow- ing, viz: From the jurisdiction of Columbia, J. A. Wharton. " " Austin '\V. Menifee. " " :Matagorda, R. R. Royal. " " Harrisburg, L. de Zavala. " " Washington, Asa Mitchell. " " Gonzales, W. S. Fisher. " " :Mina, R. M. Williamson. " " Nacogdoches, S. Houston. " " San Augustine, A. Houston. " " Bevil, W. Hanks. " " Liberty, H. Millard. " " Viesca, S. T. Allen. On motion of Mr. S. Houston, it was unanimously Resolved, That the general consultation of all Texas approve of the dispo1,ition of the troops whirh arrived at Brazoria, under the conduct of ?ifr. E. Hall, from New Orleans, and that their most corclinl thanks be presented to Mr. E. Hall, the committee, ancl the citizens of Louisiana, who so promptly and efficiently rendered their generous and manly as- -,i!'ti111rc in our !"{ruJ!~]c for lihNI~· a~ainst arbitrary powpr ano despot- ism. On motion of Mr. S. Houston, it was ordered that two copies of the ahnvr. rc,olntion hr lrnrnlerl to )Jr. E. Hall: one to h<' 1·ct11incrl hv himself, and the other to be by him pre!;ented to the committee. · On motion of Mr. Barrett is was P.e.~nlVfid. 'rlrnt a ro111111itt0e 0f thrC'(' h<' 11npoi11t('(l lo ron1rnd with n printer for "thr J!'mcral rn11!"11lt-nt-ion of nll 'l't•xa!", in cmwcntion n,c;- !"emlil<'1l." anrl r<'pol'I lhr ~amc to this body.
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