sixty-eight dollars and seventy-six cents, was due previous to the first of September inst. All of which is respectfully submitted By your obedient servants,
A. Brigham, Auditor.
H. C. Hudson, Controller. Vclasco, 29th Sept., 1836.
[4262) [BURNET to TOBY)
Executive Department Velasco Sept. 29. 1836.
To Messrs. T. Toby & Brother Texas agen ls Gent
The acting Secretary of the Navy has made and agreement with Capt. Andrew Moore and A. C. Holmes, a copy of which is annexed. By the terms of that agreement the govt. is to pay to those gentlemen two thousand dollars in Lhe manner there expressed. You will be pleased to fulfill that engagement on the part of this Government. It is an Object of great interest with us to add lo our maritime strength
Your Obt. Sevt David G. Burnet.
(4263) [ BUTLER to HOUSTON)
[Pierce M. Butler, Columbia, S.C., to Sam Houston, September 29, 1836, inlroducling Benj. 1-1. Johnson, son of Hon. David Johnson, and staling: "We all look forward with great solicitude to your struggle, & hope ere long to welcome you a free united & happy people....")
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