Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

l•,·01n the 1lfunicipality o.f Austin:

Wyly Martin, Thomas Barnett. On motion of Mr. D. Parker, the chairman was requested to com- municate to the house such letters and documents as have been received from the army; whereupon, The chairman read to the house all such letters and documents as were in his possession. Ou motion of :\Ir. ::\Iartin, the hou.,;e ,tdjonrned until to-morrow morn- ing. October 17, 1835. The hou,::c lllt t pu1·,rnant to acljo11rnm~·nt, .ind pro<:et'dcd lo hu:<in ess. On motion of Mr. D. Parker, seconded by Mr. John A. Wharton, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted. Whereas, there is not a sufficient number of members present to form a quorum of the consultation, owing to the members being absent in the army; therefore, Resolved, That the members present adjourn until the first day of next month. or as ,;oon as a quorum can meet at this place, so ns to afford an oppol'tunity to tho,;e "·ho 11111y de,;irc Jt to join the ,11·111,v in the defence of their country. . Resolved, That those who cannot join the army may remain here, with the permission to unite with the Council of Texas, and to have access to all the intelligence in possession of the Council relative to the preseni; crisis. . Resolved, That they be requested to transmit all the information of unportance to the several municipalities by which they have been dele- gated, and whatever else which of right they ought to do. Whereupon,

the Consultation adjourned. SA:ac'L WHITING, SecretariJ.

R.R. ROYAL, Chairman.

SAN FILIPE DE AUSTIN, Nov. 1st, 1835.

The General Consultation met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Royal, the chairman, called the house to order. The roll having been called, the following members appeared and took their seats: From the municipality of Bevil-John Bevil, S. H. Everitt, Wyatt Hanks. From the municipality of San Augustine--William N. Sigler, A. Hous- ton, A. E. C. Johnson. . From the municipality of Nacogdoches-Sam Houston, James W. Rob- mson, Dan'l Parker. From the municipality of Columbia-John A. Wharton, J. S. D. By- rom, Edwin Waller. From the municipality of Austin-Wiley Martin, Randall Jones. Thomas Barnett. From the municipality of Liberty-Henry Millard, Claiborne West.


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