Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Texas Republican. Resolved, That the thanks of this meeting be given to the chairman and secretary. Resolved, That this meeting adjourn. WILLIAM H. WHARTON, Chairman. W'lf:. T. AUSTIN, Secretary. · Agreeably to the foregoing resolution, the citizens of the several muni- cipalities of Texai;: elected delegates to meet in general consultation on the fifteenth day of October, who this day .convened. Co1-:vE~TTON Roo:u, SA1" FELIPE DE AusT1x, October 16, 1835. The members having come to order, Mr. Royal, of Matagorda was called to the chair, and Samuel Whiting appointed secretary. On motion of Mr. Everitt, Resolved, That the members present their cetificates of election, to the meeting, when the follo\1·ing gentlemen presentec~ their certificates. From the 1J1unicipality of Bevil: John Bevill, Wyatt Hanks, Thomas Holmes, S. H. Everett, John H. 13lount. · From t/ze 1l11m/cipality of San Augustine: A. Houston, Jacob Garrett, Wm. N. Sigler, A. E. C. Johnson.
From the 1J1unicipality of Harrisburg: Lorenzo de Zavala, Clement C. Dyer, Wm. P. Harris.
From tlze Mun£c1pality of1l1atagorda:
Ira R. Lewis, R. R. Royal, Charles Wilson.
From tlze Municipality of Vi"esca: J. G. W. Pierson, J. L. Hood, S. T. Allen, A. G. Perry, J. W. Parker, Alexander Thompson. From the Jl1u11icipality of1Vacogdoches: Wm. Whitaker, Sam. Houston, Daniel Parker, James W. Robinson, N. Robins. From the Municipality of Columbia: John A. Wh11rton. Henry Smith, Edwin W11ller, .T. S. D. B~rrom.
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