CouNOIL HALL, December 25, 1835. . Resolncrl_. 'l'hat this re,·iseu Journal of the 1-'roceeclings of the Conven- tion, be hancled over to the printer for publication. Agreeably to a resolution of the Convention, Mr. Mitchell was ap-
pointed to superintend the printing of the journal. Pw.sed at San Felipe de Austin, Dec. 25, 1835.
JAMES W. ROBINSON, Lieutenant Governor, ex officio President of the General Council.
COLUMBIA MEETING. At an adjourned meeting of the citizens of Columbia, held in the town of Colnmuia. on Saturclay the .fifteenth clay of August, Wm. H. Wharton, Esq. was called to the chair, and Wm. T. Austin appointed secretary, when the following resolutions were adopted. Resolved, That a consultation of all Texas, through her representatives, is indispensable. Resolved, That a committee composed of :fifteen persons, to be calle<l a Oommittee of /Safety and Correspondence for tl1efur1scliction of Oolurnbia. be elect<.>d, and that they be instructed to prepare an acldress to all the jurisclictions of Texas, requesting them to co-operate with us in the call of a consultation of all Texas. Resolved, That the committee communicate with all Texas in the most prompt manner, by sending confidential agents to each jurisdiction, and that said commit.tee keep the people constantly advised of all political intelligence of general interest, and that they continue to act until dis- placed by the people or the consultation. Resolved, That we hold ourselves bound to pay our proportion of all expenses incurred by said committee, in sending expresses, printing, &c. Resolved, That we invest the committee of safety and correspondence as our agents,"with full power to represent the jurisdiction of Columbia, to use the most efficient means to call a consultation, ancl to use all means in their power to i,ecure peace_. and watch over our rights. Resolved, That we will not give up any individual to the military authorities. In compliance with the E>econd resolution, the following gentle- men were eleded a committee of :onfeb· nnd correspondence: John A. Wharton, W. D. C. Hall, Henry Sm.ith,"Silns Dinsmore, James~- Perry, John G. M'Neel, Robert H. Williams, Wm. H. Jack, F. A. Bmgham, John Hodge, Wade H. Bynum, B. 'l'. Archer, Wui. F. Austin, P. Ber- trand, and Isaac T. Tinsley.
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