No. I.
The unconstitutional oppression long and unrcmi11ingly practis- ed upon the colonists of Texas, having at leng1h become insup- portable, and having impelled them to take up arms in defence of their rights and liberties, it is due to the world 1hat their motives, conduct and causes of complaint should be folly made known. J n order to do this it will be necessary to explain the origin, pro- gress and prc~ent state of the colonial selllements. Without parade or useless preliminaries, I shall proceed to the subject, as substance andnot soun<l-maller and not manner arc the objects of the present discussion. It is known at least to the reading and inquiring world, that on the clissolution of the connection be- tween l\lexico and Spain in 1822, Don A11gus1in Iturbide, by corruption ancl violence, cslahlished a short-lived, imperial government over Mexico, w:1h himself at the head under tbc title of Augustin I. On arriving at supreme power, Iturbide or Au- gustin I. found that vast portion of 1lic .Mexican government, east of the Rio Grands, known by 1hc 11nmc of Texas, to be oc- cupied by \'arious tribes of Indians, who co111mi11ed incessant .. deprcda1ions on the .Mexican citi:,1,ens ,vest cf 1hc Rio Grande, and preven!ecl the population of Te:,;1s. Ile ::sccrlained tfiat the savages could not be subduecl by the arms of Mexico, nor could their friendship be purchased. Ile ascertained that the Mexicans,. owing to their nalural dread of Tudians, cuuld net be induced to venture into the wilderness of Tr.xa-,. In addition to the dread of Indians, Texa-, held out no inducemcnls for ~Iexican emi- grants. They were accustorned to a lazy pasto1 al or mining )ife, in a healthy country. Texas ,w,s emphatically : land of agri- cuhure-the land of cotton and of :::u.;ar cane, with the culture of which staples they were wholly unacquainted; and moreover, it abounded in the usual concomitanls of such southern regions-
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