Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9


No TE 1. BEING accidentally in the vicinity of Gonzales, at the time when a force of one hundred and fifty Mexican soldiers came to the above place, and demanded of the Alcalde of that place, the surrender of a cannon belonging to him, I promptly complied with the call of the citizens of the place for aid, and though our number at the time of the demand was but eighteen, we returned an answer to them to come and take it. On the morning of the sixth of October, we, under the command of Cot J. More, a fo1·ce nearly equal to theirs, crossed the Guadaloupe river, and attempted to surprise them in their camp, but were unable by reason of a very thick fog, which prevented our dis- covering their exact position until they had taken the alarm, fled and assumed a position on an eminence about one mile distant. When the fog was so far dis- sipated, as to enable us to see them, we sent them a challenge to come and try the right of property by powder and ball. But they declining and being mounted, while we were on foot, we could only send them a parting benediction from the mouth of the cannon which they came to take.


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