Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

Slates, may be repented each st•ason, and so double the amount. It is planted for the first crop in l<'cb- rnary or first of March, and for the second the first of July, with seed from the preceding crop. All this is done with less labor of the hoe, than is bestowed in New Bnghmd on a single crop. Among culinary vcgetubl('s the sweet potatoe stands preeminent. A lady, as I was dining one day at her house, and admiring her potatoes for their great size, said that those were not large, but that they Imel had one, a short time before, so large that she was induced to call together her whole numerous family to clinc upon it. They all made a hearty meal of •that alone, and left enough to feed the pigs. Oats, pras and bc:ms do no discredit to the soil, when compared with things before mentioned. Of ,the animal products of the country, such as attract the attention of the farmer, arc cattle, horses, mules an<l hogs. These are sp1·cad ovc1· the country, swarming like locusts, too numerous for calculation, and arc raised with less care an<l perplexity to the owner, than chickens arc at the north. Hogs may emphatically be said to live on the fat of the land, as every species of oak and many other trees yield them a large supply of fruit of the richest kind. At what rate of increase cattle multiply in the region of which I have been speaking, is shown by a state- ment upon the subject made me by a lady - Mrs.


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