Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

wilh me for the Leigue lhal I am entilled lo as a selller and citizen previous lo lhe Decliralion of Independence; and if you require lhat any difference be paid you by me Mr. Moody is fully aulhorised to enter into a contracl wilh you lo lhal cffecl. I have wrillen lo you twice since I arrived al Genl. Ganes' Camp; but as there is no mail and the Lransportalion and safe delivery of letters so uncertain; I repeal every thing in this lelter feeling certain it wiU be safely delivered into your hand,- Geo. P. Digges [To S. F. Austin] [4258) [WAKEMAN ET AL to GOVERNMENT]

To the Government of Texas

The Memorial of the undersigned Citizens of the United

States of America.

Respectfully represent, That in November 1835, a public meeting was held in the City of New York, and a Committee consisting of about Thirty, among whom were your Memorialists, appointed to solicit and receive donations for the relief of the Citizens of Texas. That Committee, anticipating that voluntary contributions would be made, with an unstinted hand, as had been done under similar circumstances, when the oppressed of Greece, Poland, South America and even Mexico called on the friends of Freedom throughout the civilized world for relief, immediately had fitted out the Brig Mattawamkeag, which sailed from this port with two hundred emigrants on boa.rel-about the first of December ensuing-For that purpose the sum of Four thousand five hundred and two 71/100 dollars was expended and only the sum of Eight hundred and eighty four dollars received in contributions by the Committee in consequence of the disastrous fire which occurred on the 16th of the same month, added t theunaccountable apathy of the Citizens generally to the cause, as well as of those in this City, to whom the Committee believed that Texas had a right to look for aid, in that dark hour of her peril. Your memorialists believing that if so large a sum as Three thousand six hundred and eighteen 71/100 dollars was left unliquidated, it would be a reproach to the cause of Texas and


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