Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

passing through her bucket. She, nevertheless, rel.urned with her water, and was doing well the last time I saw her. Having expelled our enemies from the soil, we will turn our attention to the preparations making at home for the campaign threatened by Santa Anna, in his letter to Cos, the bad management of which was, probably, the remote cause of Fanning's catastrophe. The Convention, of which I have before spoken, con- vened about the first of November, and having gone through the necessary formalities of electing a speaker, &c. made a declaration to the world of their determina- tion to defend the principles of the Constitution of 1824, which Santa Anna had so wantonly t1·amplecl upon. They also tendered to those Eastern :i\Iexican States, which had resisted the encroachments of the common destroyer, their co-operation with them in defending the rights of the people, as defined in the violated charter of their liberties. With those facts before them, I leave it with a can- did public to decide, whether the 'l'exians or Mexicans have drawn the sword in the cause of liberty on the one hand, or of slavery on the other. The Convention having been authorized by theit- eleetion, to legislate for present exigencies as far as


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