making some manifestation of the causes of complaint which actuated their movements. In this opinion they were counternanced by the uniform denial of the :Mex- ican officers, that any such designs existed on the part of government. Amid this state of uncertainty, an ex- press from Ugartachia, the commander at that time of the fort at San Antonio, to the Mexican commander at Annahuac, was intercepted at San Fillippe, and upon examination, among other letters was one that informed the officer at that place, that troops were soon to be sent to him, and also directions to make mosquito-bars, as he (Ugartaebia) had done at Velasco. About the same time, Col. Bowie made his escape from :Matamoras with confirmation of the above intelligence; but no vigorous measures were taken until the arrival of Gen. Austin from :Mexico. He, as Vlilliamson and others had very ably done before, eombatted the opinion that the threatened war was to be attributed to land speculators, without showing any other probable cause. The question as to the certainty of war was hardly settled, and the attention of the people called to the election of representatives to a convention, when the demand was made for the cannon at Gonzales. From this time there was a general call to arms, and to the capture of Bexa.-The convention did not meet until several weeks after the affair at Gonzales. At the
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