Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

Government, with the restrictions and requisitions, that eYery one should occupy his ground by actual settlement within the term of six years, and not dom- icilate himself in a foreign country, or be absent abroad more than twelve months without permission. A law was also passed in the GeneraL Congress, from duties all articles imported into Texas from foreign ports. This law having expired by its own limitations, col- lectors of duties were sent to several ports of entry, nnd so far as my knowledge extends, were never molested in the bona fide execution of their office. But the imposts upon most of the articles of necessary consumption are so high as nearly to amount to a pro- hibition, which oftentimes causes importers to resort to bribery, a common way of doing business among l\Iexicans. :Many essential articles, such as salt and tobacco, are absolutely prohibited. The people of Texas, finding their influence in the state Congress too feeble to procure the enactment of such statutes as would be sufficient security to the lives and property of good citizens, and the proper pun.ishment of the corrupt and dissolute, and having acquired the requisite population, resolved to petition the Cong1·ess of the nation for a separation from Coahuila nud to be made a state by themselves. Accord-


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