Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9


THAT fair portion of the Mexican territory, called Texas, which has become, of late, the theatre of so mueh relentless barbarity and bloodshed, early attracted the attention of the fit-st settlers of that country, particularly of the religious part of the com- munity. There are standing at this time, within nine miles of the town of San Antonio de Bexa, four Cath- olic churches, built of durable rock, most of which have suffered but little by the dilapidating hand of time, and are called the Missions of Conception, San John, San Joseph and Espada. Some of these, in a state of the greatest perfection, bear date as early as the commencement of the last century. The front, or most imposing parts of these churches are adorned with sculptured representations of angels standing in bold relief upon the pillars of the edifice. Some of these churches have joined to them smaller houses for


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