[4359) [TOLA to FILISOLA]
Having arrived at San Patricio on the 17th inst, I there met general Joseph Urrea, who, knowing that I was proceeding onward in order to place myself under the orders of your Excellency, ordered me to return to this city with the subaltern who was accompanying me, for the reason (as his worship told me) that the army was retiring to l\fonterey, and that my services could be of more utility at Brazo de Santiago, of which I inform your Excellency, as I conceive it my duty so to do, adding thereto, that as there is at present in this place an engineer commander of the station, lieutenant colonel Don Francisco Vecclli, I cannot, without breaking our by-laws, which regulate his duties, act in any affair of our science. In consequence, your Excellency will please determine if I should remain here or march to the line which he occupies, in order to commence my journey either by land or sea, as soon as I can have the means.-! am glad of this occasion which affords me the honor of offering to your Excellency, my respects and high consideration.-Matamoros, May 30th, 1836.-Luis Tola.-To his Excellency, Don Vicente Filisola, commander-in- chief of the army of operations against Texas.
[4360) [HOUSTON to KING]
New Orleans 31 May 1836
Dear Madam
Your highly respected letter of the 26th inst is received-and on referring it to Major Cooke, I have ascertained from him the fate of your son. He was attached to Capt. Burke's Company of riflemen (the Mobile Greys) and was one of the brave men murdered by the enemy, after the surrender of Col. Fannin. Capt. Burke, his former commander, is now here, and intends visiting Mobile shortly, from whom you will be enabled to obtain a more perfect account.
I am with great respect
[To Mrs. King]
madam, yr obt sert Sam Houston
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