Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

The impotent revenge of the Mexicans in mutilating the dead bodies of these brave men, and in denying them the rites of the sepulchre by burning them in heaps, we cannot forbear to mention as deserving the execration of all mankind, and as evidence of their deep rooted ferocity. IL was indeed an appalling sight to the usurper Santa Anna to behold such havock of his?- - a handful of intrepid volunteers, and we are told he stood agast at the spectacle. He might truly had exclaimed A few more such victories and I am destroyed". and that he will be destroyed the whole country has every confidence. Resolved - 1st that we entertain the highest admiration for the sublime and noble defence of Fort Alimo by our commented countrymen, and that we will ever venerate their memory. 2nd that we call upon the Government o( Texas to obtain a correct list of the names of these patriots and preserve it in the archives for the future award of appropriate honors. 3. That we offer our deepest sympathy lo the relatives of these distinguished worthies. 4. That we will continue to maintain the good cause in which we have embarked, and adopt the Motto of the Alamo. Victory or Death Henry Raguel, Chairman [4355 J . [ HOUSTON to -----]

[!\larch, 1836?]

You have received my orders repeatedly and have not obeyed them, my last instructed you & your command to join the main army. Sufficient time has elapsed for you to take the Special [illegible] was not obeyed. Your general conduct meets with my [illegible] disapprobation. [Sam Houston] [Endorsed:] Dictated to Col. Hockley by the Comdz. Genl. Might have been to Col. Fannin, from Camp at Beason's March 19-26/36. A. J. H[ouston] .


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