Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

The revenue Bill as it now stands is very defeclive you understand these matters, and will at once see the deficiencies-Henry is on a cruise on board the Liberty-As Soon as you gel through Your business at Washington-I would be glad to see You at this point, should it not interfere with your arrangements

Affectionately William S Fisher

[To John Fisher] Velasco Mar 13 1836


Al a meeting of the citizens of l_'Jacogdoches on the 26th of March 1836, the following preamble and resolutions were unamjnously adopted, and ordered to be published. The citizens of this municipality in common wilh all Texas, feeling the profoundest grief for the loss of their gallant countrymen in Lhe storming of the Fort AJimo, at St. Antonio de Bexar on the 6th of the present month, and entertaining the highest admiration for this heroism, cannot refrain from a public expression of there sentiments. Brave men - struggling for liberty in distant lands receive the sympathy of generous and liberal minds of all nations, but when their achievements are in our own immediate defence they arouse the strongest sensations of the heart. The reflection comes home to our bosoms that valuable lives have been offered up a willing sacrifice to our gratitude and praise. The tongue of eulogy shall bestow its tribute and the record of history emblazon their fame. ll is do to the occasion lhaL we give a summary of facts. Colonels Travis and Bowie wi lh L87 Volunteers, and only 150 effective, for fourteen days maintained an extensive fortress against a Mexican Army of eight thousand strong commanded by the famous General San la Anna during this period Lhey repulsed the enemy in repeated asalts by day and night repaired successive breaches in the fortification, made a terrible slaughter of Lhe assailants and remained almost unhurt, on the morning of the 6th worn out by incessant Loil, exhausted nature would endure no longer; and during a temporary suspension of the bombardment they sought repose.


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