Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

~ubmi t or ny, and I hope everyone is ready Lo choose the first, and if anyone ~v1shes lo serve Texas, let him do it now as others did al San Anto1110 where they caused the Black Flag Lo come down and the tyrant lo implore for mercy.... [James W. Robinson] (4351) [THOMSON et al to ROBINSON)

Council Hall San Felipe de Austin Feb 15, 1836

To His Excellency James W. Robinson Acting Governor-

The advisory Committee appointed lo act in the absence of a quorum of the General Council, being informed that a cargo of provisions and public stores for the Government has been landed from the Schooner Caroline, at Cox's point, on the La Vaca Bay, and that the same is in an-unsafe and suffering condition, for want of a sheller and a store keeper, and furthermore they are informed that, said place named, is without a suitable person to lake charge of Government property,-Therefore, the committee advise the acting Governor to constitute & appoint a public store keeper, for the La Vace Bay, to take charge of aU Government stores, and provisions, which may be landed there, by order of the Government, and that .Mr P. Dimit's ware house, be designated as the place of deposit for all Government stores, property or supplies landed in said Bay, lo be issued and delivered by said Store Keeper lo the proper accredited officers of the Government, who may require them for the use of the army, upon proper orders, and vouchers being given, also that said store Keeper be instructed lo remove the public stores and property, at the store house, at Cox's point, recently landed there by the said Schooner Caroline, up to the Ware House of Mr P Dimit, and The Committee further advise that the citizen P Dimit be constituted and appointed the store keeper, before named, with the requisite instructions. Alexr Thomson Chn

]. D. Clements GA Pattillo Bartlett Sims I. R. Lewis

Approved Feb. 16, 1836 James W. Robinson acting Governor


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