Bejar o hasta el punto en a.e S. E. recidiere. Todo lo q. tengo el honor de participar a V. E. p.a el superior Conocimenlo del E. S. Predic. interino. Dios y Monclova Feb. 10 de 1836.
M tin. Pcrf. de Cos
E. S. Secretario de la Guerra y Marina (4349)
Head Quarters of Cavalry - Bejar Feby 13/36
To His Excelly. H. Smith Govr of Texas- S~, .
I herewith transmit lo you the sentence of a court-martial, in the case of D. H. Barre, and other documents relative to the same, which will speak for themselves - I also enclose to you, the statement of Col. D. Crockett relative to the release of s'd Barre, who refusd to comply with the conditional order for his release, I make no comments upon the late transactions here, as your Excelly will be able to Judge from the enclosed impartial statements. I have the honor lo by Yr. Excys. Most ob. st.
W. Barret Travis Lt. Col. of cavalry
[To J. G. W. Pierson February 13, 1836] .. .IL will be recalled that this district was surveyed by many of the citizens of Montgomery and Grimes Prairie. Belie,,ing you are willing lo serve your country in any way that you can be useful and the alarming fact that the enemy force commanded by Santa Anna in person is about to attack our beloved country at all points and the unorganized and deplorable conditions of the militia calls for prompt organization, I have therefore taken the liberty to appoint you my aid-de-camp for the Municipality of Viesca. You will make all the necessary purchases of supplies of provisions, ammunitions, Lents, pack horses for the men on their march to Gonzales where you will gather men and officers and report them lo the officer in command. You are empowered Lo do all things necessary for the defence of Texas for she must now figh l,
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