Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

(4347) [WHARTON to SMITH]

Velasco Jany 26 1836

I have the honor of informing your Excellency of my arrival al this place, for the particulars in regard to the purchases made Ly the Quarter Master General and myself I refer you to my letter to the Commander in Chief herewith accompanying which in his absence you will open. The Commissioners have wrillen to you, which lellers have nol yet arrived. They made contracts for two loans the first for 200,000$ which 1 enclose, the second for (50,000S) fifty thousand Dollars in cash. 1 understand that the loans were made under the belief that the next Convention would declare for Independence, but of this they will inform you. Those lellers are on the vessels (hourly expected) which sailed under convoy of the Liberty on which I came. When we arrived in New Orleans our cause was flat, but it stood much better when I left. Genl Austin was opposed to a declaration of Independence, but changed after his arrival, because as I presume he found we could get no assistance under any other declarations. The Commissioners bought the revenue cutler Ingham and placed her under command of Major Hawkins, under whose superintendence she was filling out for sea Mjr Hawkins thot with some slight repairs she would be as good, as new, and that he expected to be ready to sail in twelve days.

In hast Yours John A Wharton

His Excellency H Smith Governor

I opened this lo send the contract but send it seperatly

John A. Wharton

(4348) [COS Lo TORNEL]

E. S.

Ayer a las oraciones de la noche lleque a esta Ciudad y no habiendo logrado alcanzar al E. S. Precid.te ral. en Gefe D. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, por el mal estado en que la continuadafatiga a pueslo a mis caballos, marcho pasado manana a Rio grande, y si aUi no recibierc algunas ornes. de cho. E. S. Gral. en Gefe, seguirc a


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