a duty which I owe lo myself, and lo you as the representatives of the people, lo keep nothing back which might have a tendency to guard and protect their rights. A ten years experience, has taught me, to fathom the duplicity, and devious windings of unprincipled men And it is obvious lo me, that deep laid plans have been concerted to overthrow what the people have done. We are solemly Lound lo sustain it, let us then use every means in our power to redeem our pledges I would suggest lo your Honhle. body the propriety of framing and passing a bill making it Treason in any person or persons assailing the existing authorities, either by waging war making threats, or in any wise menacing the authorities. Some rigid course should be pursued, for 1 warn you Lhat troubles are ahead. With respect and consideration Your obl St Henry Smith Governor [4342) [Si\HTH to COUNCIL]
Executive Department of Texas.
To the Honorable the President, and Members of the Legislative Council:
Gentlemen:-! hasten to lay before your honorable body an official communication from Dr. S. H. Everitt, one of our Commissioners, appointed lo Lake charge of the Archives of the Land Offices of Lhe Department of Nacogdoches, &c. You will see by his communication, what has been done, and will, l hope, lake such immediate steps as will Le calculated to carry the decree into effect, with the least possible delay.-! make this a seporale communication, touching no other subject matter, in order that it receive the prompt and undivided attention of your body. With due respect and consideration,
Your obedient servant, Henry Smith, Governor.
Desember 7th, 1835.
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