Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

that division, that the two divisions of the army should be united al the same place, either above or below, and that if this was not done, the dissatisfaction would be so great, that a large number, even whole companies, would leave and go home as they did not consider the force sufficient lo be divided or to invest 13exar all round. In consequence of this representation from the upper division, and after consulting with the principal officers of the lower division as that is the most elligible point to procure supplies and harras.s the soon as practicable after the heavy baggage is removed.

E. Burleson Colo Comadant S. F. Austin

Head Quarters Concepcion Nov. 14, 1835

[4341J [S.MITH to COUNCIL]

Executive Department of Texas Novr. 25th. 1835

To the Honble. the President and members of the Legislative Council. Gentlemen, Our newly formed Government, organised by the sovereign people of Texas, from stern necessity; I deem the only hope and safeguard to Texian Liberty, and the last prop to Republican principles within the Territories of the Mexican Nation. That a deep laid and preconcerted plan is on foot to overthrow our newly framed Govt., must be obvious to you all. And unless prompt measures and due diligence be used, our plans will be subverted, and give place to the same odious and corrupt Govt. of intrigue, bribery, and speculation, which has ever been the bane of Texas. That there has been disappointment, chargrin, and mortification to a great degree, will be readily conceded; as such the forlorn hope of the routine of speculators, is now, and will, continue to be resorted lo, as these, managers (the greatest curse of which any land can complain) dreads nothing so much, as honest and fair investigation. Every thing calculated Lo throw off that investigation will be resorted lo. Their only hope is, Roguery, intrigue and confusion.-they do not seek the true interests of the Country, but would sacrifice all, even commit parricide itself, to throw a veil over their own evil deeds, and promote their own unhallowed speculations. I would not be thus plain and positive, Liut consider it


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