Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

(4337) [AUSTIN to llO\VIE and FANNINJ

Head Quarlers Oct 24 35 Camp Salado

To James Howie Esq and Capl. Fannin,

Your communicalions of 22 and 23 have been received and are very satisfaclory. The AJjulanl General visits you loday and will give you instructions as lo your movements. D. Juan Seguin came to 1-leaJ Quarters day Lefore yesterday and lefl here yeslerday morning-I have appointed him a Capl. of the Federal army to raise a company from the Ranches and i\lissions. S. F. Auslin (4338) [DUNN and CASE lo CONVENTIONJ [William D. Dunn and Joel T. Case, .Mobile, lo the Presidenl of lhe Convenlion, October 24, 1835, enclosing resolutions of lhe citizens of Mobile of Oclober 19 and 22, supporling the Texas cause and authorizing Col. James B. Bonham lake a copy of the proceedings to Texas.] [4339] [DINSMORE and PERRY to EATON] [Silas Dinsmore and James F. Perry, Columbia Committee of Safely, to "\Vm. J. Eaton, Lieut. Militia of Texas," Oclober 29, 1835, ordering him to lake possession of the Columbus, the San Felipe, and the "Sleam Boat."] (4340) [AUSTIN to CONSULTATION]

To the Consullation of Texas.

On the 12th instant Col. Edward Burlison who commands the Camp at the mill station above Bexar came to head quarters at the Mission of Concepcion Lelow Bexar, accompanied by W. 1-1. Wharton Esqr. who represented the Commander in Chief that they had been senl down by the upper division for the express purpose of requesting in the name and on Lehalf of the officers and men of


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