William Hardin WiUiam C Hatten James Drake Charles Wilcox G G Williams Charles D Ferris James Small John F. Wilkinson
Trustee of public property for Liberty Trustee of public property for Jefferson Trustee of public properly for Naches Trustee of public properly for Anahuac Agent to receive donations for Texas """ """ Ferryman San Felippe To take charge of lighter Water Witch (4333)
List of Orders
March 1, 1836 March l, 1836 .March l, 1836 March 15, 1836 March 17, 1836 March 17, 1836 March 13, 1836 March 13, 1836 March 13, 1836 March 13, 1836 March 11, 1836 March 12, 1836 i\farch 12, 1836 i\larch 12, 1836 March 9, 1836 March 12, 1836 March 20, 1836 March 29, 1836 March 29, 1836 July 27, 1836 Aug. 2, 1836 July 27, 1836 July 21, 1836 July 5, 1836 Aug. 2, 1836 July 28, 1836 Aug. 10, 1836
Capt. Wyly Martin Jno. Henrie
Do Do
Col. H. Millard Wm T. Austin W. Fanning Army Orders RR Royal to Officer at Velasco A. Laweson Election Field Officers Col. J. W. Fannin Army Or<lers Army Orders Army Orders Army Orders Cook, Patlon & Bowie Capt. W. Martin Thomas Gay Chmn Leander Smith
Colorado Burnums Gonzales Gonzales Gonzales Gonzales Gonzales Gonzales Gonzales Gonzales Gonzales San Felipe
Burnums Colo
March 2 l, 1836
Camp near Bcasons
Mill Creek
W.W. Smith Army Orders Geo. W. Hockley Charles L. Harrison
March 2,t, 1836
Camp near Beasons
Ayish Bayou Ayish Bayou Ayish Bayou Sar? Agustine San Agustine Nacogdoches Nacogdoches SuLlelts
Asst. or Master Edwin Legrand Capt. Spurlock Col. Robbins Doct Forrest Alex Horton
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