We consider the situation of Capt. Poslethwaite the same as that of Colonel Wilson, and of course his case is included in this award. W. C. Galt, Geo. W. Chambers,
W. H. Pope, James Love, A. Throckmorlon"
"We regard the within award as containing in substance all that we wish, and will abide its decision. Those portions of the publications of our friends which bear personally upon Gen. Chambers are considered as withdrawn-as is also Col. Wilson's challenge. A. C. Bullitt, J no. W. Russell General Chambers refused to acquiesce in the decision, declaring that he would withdraw nothing that he had said in defence of his country. The original determination of Gen. Chambers was to receive Col. Wilson's fire, and to return a deliberate and deadly shot. But when his friends the undersigned, and others, represented to him the great responsibility of doing so, after rejecting the mediation of the court, and that a reasonable adjustment of the affairs would produce more benefit to the cause of Texas, that the death of Col. Wilson, which would excite their violent hostility and opposition, he then proposed to go to the field and receive his antagonist's fire without returning it. To this we objected peremptorily, and soon after the following .explanation was received from the court, together with a notice that Col. Wilson had withdrawn his challenge to accept its decision. "We regret that our well intended efforts to produce an adjustment of the difference between Col. Wilson and Gen. Chambers, has failed of succes.5. We have a high opinion of the importance of Gen. C's. services to his country, in the present eventful crisis in her affairs, and should exceedingly regret that her interests should be injured by his los.5. We also would regret that the friends and family of Col. Wilson should be deprived of his services, which are particularly important to his family. Upon a full review of our proceedings, we are still of the opinion that there exists no necessity for the meeting. And we cannot perceive any mode of adjustment other
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