Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

The am't it seems which passed through his hands was inconsiderable as will appear by reference lo Document (A)-In the spirit of your resolution-however, I transmit you a return of the proper officers to this department (Document B) brought up to the 16th of the present month (Octobr) which amounts to three hundred and three thousand-one hundred and thirty eight Dollars-($303,138.-) This by no means includes the liabiliLies of your Government. I am now instituting a rigid investigation of all demands against it-and while your honorable body must be aware that they are various and large-yet, I am inclined to believe they are by no means as extensive as supposed- Your honorable body need not be told-that with your beautiful and fertile country-but little fore cast and prudence is required to meet the wants, and overcome the difficulties that may surround it-Called (but recently) to the head of this department-I find your treasure consisted in your Lands-and that scrip to a large amount had been issued to your agents in New Orleans to meet the current expenses of the Government.-This was unavoidable-but it required but little reflection to be satisfied that the system was defective-and that the soil of Texas was too precious to be made the sport of the money market-I therefore assumed the responsibility (in which I was supported by the President) that as your honorable body were on the eve of assembling I would sign no scrip until directed by Law-I was satisfied that in your wisdom-some move would be adopted which would not undervalue your soil-but make it as it ought to be-the invaluable source from which to meet all your demands-and be responsibile

for all your wants- [October 20, 1836]

I am respectfully Barnard E Bee Sec'y treasury-

Bailey Hardeman late Secretary of the Treasury in Account with the Republic of Texas

Dr. 1836 March

17th By amount of Loan from George C Childress 1000.00 20th By donation from theCitizensof Port Gibson Miss received by the hands of James Briscoe 927.00



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