Sept 24 1836 to Oct 24 1836 - PTR, Vol. 9

which we have almosl countless instances in wholy writ,) I am unwilling to survive the period at which it ceases to be, and for a non-connection with Lhe U.S. to bring upon us a hazard if not these consequences, is not improbable; and with the lights we have before us the omission to take such steps as are best calculated to keep up our domestic relations, is, I conceive, a disregard of such actions and principles as are best calculated to promote the best and happiest relations, and the purest system of Government which the wisdom of man has been enabled to devise. I held an interview with one of the ablest and most influential journalists of this country, Mr. Ritchie of the Richmond Enquirer, on the subject of annexing Texas to the U. S., He asked me what would probably be the conditions proposed. I of course said I did not know, but that, the admission of part of her territory as one State, and the limits of two other territories defined, to become States so soon as they attained a certain population, and the payment of the national debt, would be, I imagined, satisfactory. He seemed to assent willingly to such demand on the part of Texas. But should we be enabled to get but one State, (without territorial limits defined for the admission, of one or more other States, when the territories attained certain elements to be stipulated in any treaty or sale which we may make to the U. States for Texas,) we had best accept it, in my very humble judgment, than stand the hazard of making a successful Government for ourselves, and risking in a more eminent degree our domestic relations, than would be the case were we lo become connected with these States. I hope, my dear sir, I have not intruded in forwarding to you this hasty sketch of some of my views on the subject of our interesting and important position. I may write you again if leisure will permit me to do so in a short time. Mr. Sam 'l Williams is here disposing of the land scrip which he has been authorized to do, and is appropriating the receipts to the purchase of articles for the benefit of Texas, which will be forwarded soon. He has offered me any facilities in his power to assist in despatching emigrants

I have the honor to be yr friend & ob't. sv't. Memucan Hunt of the Texian army

P. S.

I am in so much haste that I have not time to look over and correct any errors which my secretary in copying, or I in the original may have committed, M.H.


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