[4321] [BURNET to TOBY]
Executive Department Columbia 17 Ocl 1836
To Messrs T Toby & Brother Gentn.
In pursuance of a joint resolution of Congress, You are requested "to pay out of any monies in your hands, t~e draft of eiP'ht hundred and nineteen dollars drawn upon them m June last b; Brigr Genl T. J. Green Agent &c. in favor of the owners of t~e Sehr Pennsylvania, for the balance due upon her charter m brinITTng out troops, munitions, provisions &c for the Texas Gov~rnment, which, said draft has been accepted by said Agents." You will therefore be pleased to satisfy this demand as soon as may be practicable.
Your Obt Servant David G Burnet
[4322] [HARRIS to RUSK]
Columbia Oct 17th 1836
Dear friend & General
After many hazzardous ups & downs I have had to incounter in my travels to this place, I have for Some time arrived where I remain a Silent Spectator to the political log rolling So characteristic of this our new Country of adoption. Dear Rusk many & important are the communications propositions & views I have to make to you at our next Interview, which I hope will not be long hence at this place Aspirants here fain would Unite their weaker pretensions against your more clearly trief & better Claims, but at the moment of Conception courage cowers, at consequincies which well earned popularity may in the end Inflict. McLaughlin has put an end to our mutual frd L. Smith. Your Interferance in this matter is Anticipated & Expected are rogues to Stalk a broad in
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