No. 2594 185S Feb. [2G, M. B. L.UIAR] :MANAGUA, [NICARAGUA] TO L. C,\.SS, L \V.\.SHINGTON, D. C.]" 0
Legation of Unite<l States Managua February 1858.
Captain Sands of the Susquehana fitted, --- up the Steamer )Jorgan for my conveyance up the river. I left San Juan del Norte on the 23cJ. of January and arrived at Castillo Viejo on the [ ] of the same, The commander of the port had been ad\'ised of my coming, by the consul at San Juan yet on my arri,·ing within cannon shot of the castle a blank cartridg-e was dischargwl as signal for us to stop. We came to anchor accordingly and Lieutenant. Ham- ilton and others went on shore to learn the reason of this detention. The commandante admitted that he was apprised of my being- on bord and of the purpose of ascending the river but gave no explination as to his motive for interrupting our passage. We were permitted without further trouble to approach the castle; on reaching which most of the passengers went on shore to lighten the boat. that she might be able to pass over the Rapids. She passed without dif-ficulty and imme<liately made the shore for the purpose of taking in the passengers and also for putting out some freight. This was cxicuted with rapidity and despateh, and the boat was just getting underway again. when I heard the screams of a woman and a boy about 13 or 14 years olde perhaps mother and son and at the same time the cry of the soldiers: "Stop the boat. "Stop the boat." On looking out I found the soldiers under arms martialed by the side of the boat and ready to fire upon us. Not knowing the cause of this uproar and violence I landed immediately a11d went to the commondant to C11fJUire into the affare I was tolde that an american had attempted the life of a boy and had injured him verry seriously. I called for the boy who was brought fmrnrd bellow- ing vociferously that he was almost killed. I was astonished and in- dignant to finde that the lad was scarsely hurt in the slightest degree, It appeared that, Mr Dunn a worthy and good man citizen of the United States. but then residing on the San ,Tuan had in the hurry and confusion of landing the freight accidentally struck the boy with a barrel, while pitching it either into or out of the boat. The barrel had slightly touched the boys upper lip without breaking the skin or draw- ing one drop of blood. - And for this trivial accident the military was brought into requisition, The steamer stopped and l\Ir Dunn arrested amidst the loud clamor of the natives. - After much excite- ment and confusion the matter was settled mainly through the inter- position of C. P. Canty an Englishman in the Costa Rica senice who was a fellow passenger on the Steamer. · The Commandante of the Castle agreede to let Dunn go, on his paying something to the boy and turn- ing to the lad asked him if he would be· satisfied with two dollars. The boy said he would the money was paid Dunn released and the lad went his way contented and cheerful. In the mean time the military was
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