The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume IV, part 2



and a poem dedicated to Mrs. Lamar, both in Spanish, for publication in Central America; present occupation; Fontaine; Gibson; personal messages; his loss of his autograph copy of Verse Memorials; his order to the printers for a new copy "at any price." A. L. S. 4 p. No. 2562 1857 Dec. 29, JAMES EDMONSTON, WASHINGTON, [D. C.] TO [MIRABEAU BUONAPARTE LAMAR, WASHINGTON, D. Q.] Modifying his request for Lamar's good offices in favor of his appli- cation for a Federal appointment. A. N. S. 2 p. No. 2563 1857 Dec. 30, [L. CASS, WASHINGTON, D. C.] TOM. B. LAMAR 32 Extract from instructions to Genl. Lamar as E. E. & M. P. to Nica- ragua, dated 30 December, 1857. "Your salary will· be at the rate of ten thousand of dollars a year, and will commence with the date of your Commission, that is on the 23d. instant." No. 2564 1857 Dec. 31, L. CASS, [WASHINGTON, D. C.] PASSPORT FOR M. B. LAMAR AS MINISTER TO NICARAGUA 33 United States of America, Department of State. To all to whom these presents shall come - Greeting! Know Ye, that the bearer hereof, Mirabeau B. Lamar, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States to the Republic of Nicaragua, - is now proceeding to Managua: These are therefore to request all whoin it may concern, to permit him to pass freely, without let or molestation, and to ex- tend to him all such friendly aid and protection, as would be extended to l\Iinisters Plenipotentiary of Foreign Countries, resorting to the United States.

In testimony, whereof, I, Lewis Cass, Secretary of State of the United States of America, have hereunto signed my name and caused the Seal of this Department to be affixed at Washington, this Thirty-first day of Decem- ber, A. D. 1857, and of the Independence of the United States, the 82d. Lew Cass. No. 2565 [1857?], J. A. QUINTERO, AUSTIN, TEXAS


ReYiew of Verse 11[ emorials. 15 p.

~'Copy. "D. S. (printed form filled out).


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