The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume IV, part 2



No. 2559 [1857 Dec. 23?], W.R. PAGE, [WASHINGTON? D. C.?] TOM. B.


Kakinarev [ ?] House

Wednesday P. M. I suggested to the Secretary that you would be glad to

Dear Sir

avail yourself of the opportunity to get to your station which the "supply" offers. He could not of course, decide what he would do without informing himself farther in regard to the matter. Purser Bridge was decidedly of the opinion that you would be com- fortable on board the "Supply." Mr. Welsh the Chief Clerk however is opposed to the arrangement It appears that the Captain of the Supply is a great friend of Welchs, in other words one of his favorites, and as the officers of Naval Vessels are generally opposed to carrying passengers Mr. W will doubtless aid the Captain in carrying out his view I think if you see the vessel & are satisfied that there is spare room on board to make yourself & family comfortable you will have no diffi- culty in obtaining the order from Sec'y Tonch The "Vandalia" I am informed is now :fitting out and will soon proceed to the same port,

Very Respy

Your obt Servant Wm. R Page

Genl. M B Lamar.

Present -

[Endorsed] Wm. R Page Genl Lamar

No. 2560

1857 Dec. 24, JAMES EDMONSTON, WASHINGTON, [D. C.] TO [MIRABEAU BUONAPARTE LAMAR, WASHING- TON, D. C.] Requesting Lamar's influence in behalf of his own application for an army appointment; conditional applicatic;m for an appointment on the Nicaraguan legation staff. A. L. S. 3 p. No. 2561 1857 Dec. 25, J. N. QUINTERO, AUSTIN, TEXAS TO M[IRA- BEAU] B[UONAPARTE] LAMAR, WASHINGTON, [D. C.] Sending a biographical sketch of Santa Anna sent by Antonio Na- varro; a sketch of Lamar's family, and a reprint of a poem of Lamar's; the popularity of certain poems in Verse Memorials; criticism of an article upon Lamar and the portraits of Lamar, Rusk, and Sherman in the Texas Almanac for [1858]; a promise to send a sketch of Lamar

"A. N. S.


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