King had about 25 men from Kentucky; Shackelford G5 men "Red Rovers" from North Alabama; Bradford about 25 men from Kentucky- They were all at Goliad, under the command - Several other com- panies were there also - all amounting to about 550 effective men - King was dispatched to the mission Refugio to aid some of the families there to get off - King with his 25 men was encountered the enemy at Refugio - :Mexicarn; about 200 - King in the fight captured 30 lfexican prisoners. - He was in the Mis- sion with his men and his prisoners; still, however, ei1compassed by a force creatly superior to his, he send to Fannin, at Goliad, for assist- ance Fannin· sent Ward to his relief - Ward took with him, Warren Mitchel Isaac Tichnor, and ·wardsworth, with about 102 men. On arriving at the Mission on the 15th February, a difficulty ensued be- tween King and Ward. King, though a captain merely, wanted the command of the whole party; this Ward, as a matter of course, could not allow; he having upwards of 100 men as well as being Lieutenant Colonel. King thought he ought to have the Command, because he had had a fight with the enemy, and had been first at Refugio. Not obtaining the command, he, left the mission, taking with him his own men, about 25, and 18 of Bradford's men. Bradford remain with the remainder of his men, with Ward in the mission - King marched six miles below the mission to some Mexican Ranches - Whilst King was there, the Mexicans, about 7 or 8 hundred under Urea attacked Ward in the Mission - The fight lasted from 1 to 2 hours. The ::\iexicans were repulsed -- When the Mexicans were thus repulsed; King hearing the report of the cannon in the fight, made for the mis- sion to aid Ward; when he had got in about 3/4 of a mile of the Mis- sion, the Mexicans, attacked him - They fought at least 2 hours; during which time, the enemy placed their cannon upon .the mission, to prevent Ward from coming out to King's assistance. - King was finally conquered & captured - In two hours after King's capture, the Mexicans with their consolidated force charged upon the mission to capture Ward; this charge last 4 hours without intermission From the first attack of Urea on the mission, to the closing one he had been reinforced - reinforcements had been coming in during the whole day - About the first attack on the mission Ward finding the enemy much greater than was expected, dispatched a messenger to Fannin, to send assistance to him - Ward left Goliad on the 14th Febry - to aid King, expecting to meet not more than :i or 3 hundred enmy. he found them 7 or 8 hundred strong; and during the day had encreased to upwards of 12 hundred - He left Goliad 2 oclk. at night; landed at the mission on the 15th - Some 3 or four days previous to Ward's <leparture from Goliad, Fannin had given p[ass por]ts to a Mexican Captain and 18 of his men, to retire from the Country - He had cxpre::-,;ecl a desire to leave and avoid the war - On the I.5th February wlwn Ward reached Goliad, Capt. Tiehnor pro- pose<l that night to go and attack the enemy's camp, which was about 3/-l miles off - 'l'ichnor took 1-l men with him; they crept up slily upon the enemy; and fi riu_g on tlwm & keeping it up for a few rounds, retired in safety to the mi,-,.ion ,rithont the loss of a man or having
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