PAPEns OF l\ImABEAU Buo:--AP.\llTE L.uun
Xo. :2808 [18J-] CREDIT DUE LAMAR FOR THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM OF TEXAS" ' Perhaps there is no one !>art of Lamar',; administration that reflects more credit on his patriotism and foresight, than his unceasing efforts to secure a permanent support to the eause of education by a liberal appropriation of the jmblic lands. This object he finally accomplished during the second session of the Congress in Austin, by procuring the passage of a law setting apart fifty leagues of land as an endowment for a Uniwrsity. This measure notwithstanding its mapifest impor- tance, met with the strongest resistance from a large minority of Congress, who, after the passage of the law, succeeded in defeating a bill authorizing the survay of trust lands. But nevertheless, Genl. Lamar assumed the responsibility of ordering the survey to be made and it was done accordingly, and by this means those lands were secured for the purposes intended. It would seem but an act of justice that the State t·uiversity established should hear the name of the man by whose efforts this ample endowment was thus provided Xo. :2809 [J.'1',j-Y, 11. B. LA MAH, HIC'H:\IOND? TEXAS] INFOR1IATION DERIVED FRO)I J. W. :\NDREWS 78 Information derived from J OSl'J1 W. Al1ll re\\·s Ogachce [ ?] river - Came to Texas with Ward ~ larnled at Velasco - fall 1836 - Went with Ward to Copano, lamled [ ] to Refugio - (went from Yelast:o to Copano on the Columbia l [W]ard was in the Colum- bia with 125 or 30 ml'u - Wardsworth went at the same time in an- otlwr vessel; all landed on the same day at Copano. ,Joseph W. Andrews, born & raised Hancock Co. near the When they all got to the mission Refugio, they there [gree] ted their officer;; - Fmrnin who had sailctl in the Columbia with Ward) was elected Colonel; Ward Lieut. Colonol; Warren Michel (from Geo) )fajor. Isaac Tich11or from Montgom Ala, was Capt. &c - \\'arren )Iitchel, Goodwin )litehel, Edwin Mitchel were brothers from Geo. Warren & Goodwin foll with Fannin; Edwin fell at the Alamo HobNt .\Iitchcl, their Brother, <·amc after their fall; and was in the Battle of Sanjacinto - Staid about 3 weeks at Refugio, then marched to Goliad - Roon after arri [ ] ( "·ho joined) [ ] shortly after Fan11i11's. arrirnl at Goliad :-;hat.:kclford & Bradford, from Kentucky - about the same time -
i;Anonymous. ''A. Df. Illegihle where doC'ument is torn.
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