The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume IV, part 2

PAPERS OF MuunEAU Buox.\P.\RTE huun


Ko. 2~nl 11839 Aug.? lL B. L.UfAH, WASHINGTOX? D. C. ?] TO [h C,\SS, WASHINGTON, D. C.JH This being the last official communication I shall ha,·e the honor to make to yon, I arnil myself of the occasion to tender you an apology for the urnliplomatic style in which my letters from Xicaragua were sometimes written. TntPnt only upon placing before the Department what I deemed the exact state of things in reference to the subjects in controversy between the two govcrnme11ts, and not unfrequentl_y much irritated by what I then conceived to be duplicity, craft, & wilful pre- varication on the part of the Nicaraguan goYernment, I sometimes al- lowed my feelings to dictate language neither so calm in tone, nor so carefully constructed as the official correspondence between the GoYern- ment & its diplomatic agents should be: I was often compelled, more- over, to write in great haste, & to despatch my letters without those preenings & corrections which I was conscious they so much needed. I haYe also to express my regret for having in some instances mis- judged the motiYes & intentions, and done injustice to the characters of some of those with whom I held official intercourse, and of whom, as I came to know them better, I was happy to be undeceiwd, & to form more farnrable estimates. Having thus had occasion to correct my hasty judgment, I should be extremely pleased, in case my corre- spondence shoul(l eYer be placed before the public, if those parts in which I indulge in severe strictures & harsh animadversions upon incli- vidnals, could be stricken out, as I would now expunge them were it in my power. No. 2792 JS,W Oct. 4, 1IIHABEAU B[UONAPARTE LAMAR] RICH- M0XD, TEXAS. TO PAXFILO OSORNO, MANA- GuA, NICARAGUA. Answering O:,;orno's letter of Mar. 2-1. Copy. 3 p. Appended to no. 27-lO. No. 2793 1s:j9 Oct. 4, l[lRABEAU B[UONAPARTE LAMAR] RICH- lf0ND, TEXs\S TO FEBNANDO LACAYO AND SEBASTIAN 1IARENCO, GRANADA, NICARAGUA. Answering their k,ttcr of ::\Iar. 21. Newspaper clipping. Appended to 110. 27-lO. No. 2794 1s:39 Ort. 24, EID]W[AfflD F0KT..\lXE, HINDS COU:N'TY, NEAR JACKSO~, :\rISSlSSIPPI 'l'0 :MIRABEAU B[UO'N"A- P,\RTE] L.UBR, [RICIBWND, TEXAS] His own second marriage and circumstances; his anxiety regarding his eldest son's coll(luct and condition; an invitation to visit his Hinds county plantation. A. L. S. 4 p.



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