It seemed that the Secretary of State had expected to receive de- spatches from you by the steamer that arrived in New-York two-days before the one on whieh I came; but I explained to him how it was not possible, and he appeared to be satisfied - I have heard that both the President and the Se<:retary of State express themselves since the recit of your despatches in a softer tone, than they used to do a little before - Having prefered to come to this city to- discharge your commis- sion rather than to stop the neces;.:ary time to do my business there, I have to return tomorrow - This haste prevents me paying now a Yisit to the President; but as I shall come again next week, I hope I shall have the pleasure to be introduced to him - Since I left Nicaragua, I have been praying to God that my countrimen should pursue upon the transit and canal affairs, that wise maxim, that you used to advise us1 - "Masterly inaction" - As I knw [sic] at Panami that a messager was going to Nicaragua with important despatches for you, I think you would have been detained for coming to Costa-Rica - Notwithstanding, I direct this to either of those Republics. I haYe nothing else of importance to communicate to you - I ,vish you to he ,-er~' well; and have the pleasure and honor to be Your most obedient Servant J. Rosa Perez lruhric] No. 2762 18-,9 lllay 3, FRANCIS SEYDEL, CHIN.-\N"DEGA, [NICARAGUA] TO MIR[ABEAU BUONAl)AHTEJ LAMAR, UNITED STATES LEGATION, [CHINANDEGA, NICARAGUA] Sending a docunwnt to be c-ertificd. · A. N. S. 2 p. No. 2763 1839 lllay 21], J.DIES TlfOMAS, GRANADA, rx1C.\R.\GUA] TO M[IRABEAU) B[UONAPARTE] LAMAR, REALEJO, f N ICAHAGUAJ Asking for mail; sending-· the Central American containing an article abusing Lamar and the United States Government. A. L. S. 1 p. No. 2764 [18u9 c. June 7? }IIR.-\RE.\e BuOKAPARTE LAMAR, PUNTA ARENAS? COSTA HICA?) TO THE GOVERNOR OF PC~T,\ ARE~AS, [COSTA RICAI Protesting against the trcatmmt of the prisoner Edw[ar]d F. Con- way. Copy. -! p. "Not sent."
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