P.u•Ei:s OF )[rn.\BE.\l: Rt·o:s;.\P.\HTE L.uun
Belly Contract. Nicaragua thinks thr mo1lifkations have rendered it powerless for evil; lint in a moment least expected, these modifications may prove as fatal as the viper's tooth. - These modifications have to be interprrtl•d; 1111(1 the bayonet of Lou i,; Xapoleon, can out-interpret that of Nicaragua.- Our conversation was conducted in a spirit of cordiality and good feeling; and I ha,·e onl_v to regret for the sake of Nicaragua, that niy words like those addn•s,:ecl to the Senators should have produced so little etfed.- I left )[anagua in a few days after this interview; nnd on my arrival at Realrjo, was informed that His Excelll•ncy had 1-igne1l the Contract. Before my cll•parture, I enquired of Mr Zeledon, if it was the intrntion of President )fora to visit Nicaragua aecording to the imitation of )Ir Belly. He answered - No. It happened howen•r, that he did eome wry i-oon after my de- parture. He was brought in in company with Prince Polignae and other notables in a French man of War to San Juan dcl Sur; whence he proceeded to the tmrn of Hims; where he was met by M. Belly and Presidtmt ::\fartinez. Thus we see the same parties reassembled at the same plat·e for the conclusion of a Conspiracy against our Country which they had cornmenccd just one yc•ar bl'fore. The sole and only object of the Reily Contract is to plant a FrrnC"h Colony in this Country under the protection of Louis Napoleon; an1l in this way to get pos- session of the San Juan River, 111111 hold it against a11,v American Com- pany that may attempt to open the Transit Route. There is no mis- take in this. - I have the honor to be very re:::p1-dfnlly Your Obt. Servt. -- )! iralwan B. Lamar - To the Hon. Lewis Cass Secretary of State of the enikd State Washington. No. 2760 [1839 Apr.?], ANOXY~IOUS. General Lamar·;: encounter with a stnmgt:r at the American Legation, Apr. 9, 1859. 1 p. . No. 2761 1859 May 2, J. R. PEREZ, WASHINGTON, [D. C.] TO M. B. LAMAR, l CHI~_\NDEG.\? ~IC.\R.\GVA.? J-;s Washington, D. C. )lay 2d. 1859. Hon. )Iirabeau B. Lamar. )Iy wry mueh esteemed General. I arrived in New-York on the 27th. of last month, and reached this capital at six O'clock iu the morning of the :30th., on which day I handed to Genl. Ca:::s the despatches •- the delivery of which you en- trusted to me -
"'A. L. S.
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