The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume IV, part 2



No. 2750 [1859 Mar. ? MIRABEAU BUONAPAHTE LAMAR, LEON, NICA- RAGUA?] TO [PEDRO ZELEDON? MANAGUA? NICARAGUA?] Acknowledging receipt of the English-Nicaraguan treaty negotiated by [Zeledon?] with Ousley; his own lack of authority to negotiate a similar treaty. A. Df. 1 p. Spanish. No. 2751 1S59 Apr. 8, JOSE D. RODHIGCEZ, :i\IAXAGL\., [XICARAGUA] Receipt to Mirabeau B[uonaparte] Lamar for $5.00 for wrifo1g a Spanish copy of the Lamar-Zeledon treaty. D. S. 1 p. No. 2752 1859 Apr. 9-24, J. ·De F. FIELD, [REALEJO? NICARAGUA] TO M. B. LAMAR, [MANAGUA? NICARAGl'.\?r:s :Mirabeau B Lamar Esquire &c &c &c. Sir/. In regard to the :Mosquito question, I beg leave to transmit the following information-; -- April 12/ 1859/ - Mr. G. R. Perry H, Ms. Consul at Chinandega remarked to me in a short conversation that Sir William Gore Ouseley's intention in making his Treath, was to flatter Nicaragua, and to allure her into signing the Mosquito Comention as proposed by Sir William - he (Sir Wm) never supposed that the Treaty would be accepted by his Govmt, the ::\losquito affair was the great object to attain, The Consul also said to me, that, were it not for fear of a difficult~· with the United States, Great Britain would compel Nica- ragua to i::iµ-n the Mosquito Convention upon the terms proposed by that Power. )Ir Pedro Zeledon, the Minister of Foreign Relations ~f this Cornt offered to furnish the Legation of the United States with a COJlY of the basis upon which Nicaragua would treat with H Ms. Plenipotentiary on this Mosquito question; he however failed to com- ply with his promise, altho' repeate~lly reminded of it; -- Belly Contract - In regard to this question I make the following extract from my ::\Iemoranda - - - - April 10/1859/ - ::\[r Zeledon said that Costa Rica had desired some modification~ to the original contract a copy of. which was sent to the Gonnt of :Kirnragua - That he had recd a prirnte letter from the Pre,-ident of :--an Sah·a,lor expo~ing )[ r Belly, and that he had sent the same to Martinez, who asked him his opinion; - he answered that he had no l'onfidenre in the scheme and less in those who had under- taken to earrv out the Canal: · He expressed the opinion that the whole project would be thrown out of Congress -

"'A. D.S.


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