No. 2741 1859 Mar. 21, JIIRABEAU B[UONAPARTE] LAMAR, MA"NAGUA,· [NICs\RAGUA] TO THE CONGRESS OF NICARAGUA, [MANAGUA], NICARAGUA. Presenting a collection of books for the proposed public library. L. S. 1 p. Spanish. No. 2742 18,59 Mar. 22, .J. :MIGrEL CARDENAS AND AN[TONI]O FALLA, SECRET.HUA DEL CONGRESSO NACIONAL, l\IANAGUA, [NICARAGUA] TO MIRABEAU :B[UONAPARTE] LAl\IAR, [MANAGUA, NICARAGUA] Thanking him in the name of the Nicaraguan Congress, for his gift of books; answering his letter of Mar. 21. L. S. 2 p. • No. 2743 1859 Mar. 23, RICH[ARJD ROMAN, SAN FRANCISCO, CALI- FORNL\ TO )f[IRABEAUJ B[UONAPARTE] LAMAR, [MANAGUA, NICARAGUA] Introducing Britten De Shields, "nephew of Judge Waller of Texas." A. L. S. 1 p. No. 2744 1859 Mar. 2lf, P. OSBORNO MANAGUA, [NICARAGUA] TO M. B. LAl\IAR, [J1ANAGUA, NICARAGUA]"* Ho::,,. l\IINISTER PLENIPOTENTIARY OF THE GOVERNMENT of the United States of North America, General Mirabeau B. Lamar. March 24th, 1859. Fro1n the Sub-prefect and Judge of the first instance, civil and criminal of the District of Managua. Sir: - The honorable Municipality and vicinage of this city, being informed that your Excellency is about to return to the United States of the North, has the pleasure of expressing through the humble medium of myself, the profound gratitude of this population, for the affability and fine a<l<lress with which you have met them during your residence in this capital. We e11tertain the most ardent desire that your Excellency might remain a while longer in this city, in order to signify to yon again, the cordial sympathies which all classes of this society entertain for the government you so worthily represent, as well as for the personal merits of your Excellency. The undersigned fnnctio11ary, for himself, and in the name of all his fellmr-citize11s arnl subaltern authorities, offers fenen wishes that his Excellcucy, the Ilouorahle )Iiuister Lamar may again honor us with his presence, either in the quality of a funrtionary or as a private
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