P,\ PEits OF ::\I In,\llE.\U Bi:;ox,\l'ARTE LA11un
No. 27-!0 18,W Mar. 21, F. LAC'A~O ANDS. MARE~CO, GRANADA, [NICA- IL\GUA] TO l\L B. LAMAR, [l\IANAGUA, NICAHAGUA]" 3 To GEXEIUL l\fnunE,\U BJ L.-\l\IAR, 1'£1x1sTER PLEXIPOTENTLU!Y of the United States of the Xorth. GRANADA, March 21st, 1859. Dear Sir: - We ha,·e hem informed by some friends in this city, that you were about to leaYe the country, to return to the United States, haYing at last concluded with the gowrnment of this Republic, a treaty of frieml5hip and allinnre, which at once and forever secures the good harmony of the two countries, thus removing all fear of future dis- agreements. We should be wanting Sir, in the conderations [sic] due to a gentleman of your ra11k as Wl'll as injustice to ourselves, if we were not to hasten in manifesting to you the regret which your departure causes us, not 0111.,· 011 4H'rouut of the per:::onal sympathies which your noble manners and gentlemanly sentiments haYe inspired the inhab- itants of this country; but also, because, as the diplomatic agent of the Cabinet at Washington, you haYe left us nothing to desire as a Minister. We would he pleased, if, on your arrirnl at Washington, you would represent to His Exeellency the Presidmt, the numberless calamities which haYe passr<l m·er this unfortunate country. You, Sir, have seen her still smoking ruins; and can also testify to the affections and sym- pathies whieh the inhabitants of Nicaragua haYe borne towards those of the American l ·11ion; although it is true that there ha,·e been some di1-agrrrable oecurn•nrrs lwhn•rn the employees of this Republic and the diplomatic ag-cnts sent from the United StatL>s. This has proceedcLl, as you mrn,t ha,·e a~el'rtained by this time, from the want of good man- ners 1111 their part, and the contempt with which they treated the people of this conntr.Y, whose charadrr, naturally kind and urbane, could not affiliate with the rough and over-bearing manners which your prede- cessors maintainrd. - When vou arrrived in the eountn, the minds of the Nicaraguans were much· embittered ag-ainst all persons coming from the unite<l States, on account of the horrible outrages committed by the Filibusters; and the lamentations of the victims sacrificed in those <lays of blood and extrrmination were still heard. You, howeYer, were rec-ein•tl with the cordiality you merited; and your society was anxiou:-ly desired in our <lome,-tic cirrles; and all this, Seiior Lamar, on account of your blantl and agrC'eable manners. In ad<lressing you this ldh•r, we ha,·e no other ohjeet but to do an act of justice, and to giYe you a rnarkl'<l proof of our friendship, and of assuring you, also, that you earry with ~·ou the sincere sympathies an<l kindest sentimrnts of tl1o"e who sub;::erihc them,-ph-rs, Your ob't serrnnts, FEBXANDO LACAYO,
"L. S.
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